While collecting and scanning artifacts from various collections for my Pedro punk book (A Wailing of a Town), I came across an early '80s handmade button from the collection of one, Concepción Tadeo. The button read, “END OF FRWY.” and was square with white letters on a black background (see pic above) and a safety pin attached to the back. I loved this idea, which in my mind was an incognito way of implying, “SAN PEDRO” which is indeed at one end (Harbor Freeway) of interstate I-110 that connects San Pedro and Downtown Los Angeles. I shortened it to read, “END FWY” like the freeway signs and at first started using it as a promoter tag (END FWY presents) for shows I would put on in town and also used it for the name of our community PA system — stenciling END FWY on both PA speakers. Eventually I also started using it as the name of my publishing house, END FWY Press.