SURPRISE BAND AT SAN PEDRO HIGH SCHOOL By Craig Ibarra (Rejected Edition) → chapbook
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DAMAGE REPORT: The first batch of 4th Edition copies came out with a gloss finish, but were supposed to be matte. I'm not a big fan of "gloss" and since it was the printer's fault, I had them reprinted. I was supposed to trash the gloss copies, but decided to sell them after all (a lil cheaper). I stamped the covers and inside first page with a "REJECTED" stamp I had made just cuz. Some might like these ones better cuz they're a little more sturdy. So there you go ...
October 20, 1981
Compiled and edited
by Craig Ibarra
This zine is a detailed oral history of a "surprise band" playing a lunchtime concert held on the front steps of San Pedro High School as part of their yearly senior week festivities — unbeknownst to the school administration about said band's troubled past with the Los Angeles Police Department.
Senior class co-president, Kelly Dwyer, was entrusted to secure the "surprise band" with the administration's approval — and the rest is history.
Firsthand accounts by various students and non-students who witnessed this lunchtime concert — still talked about to this day. A definite mind blow to the few fans of the band that attended S.P.H.S. and to curious observers, too.
We managed to track down over 13 color photos (fully restored) to help tell the story. This zine also includes an article that was published on the Huffington Post's website, titled: Black Flag's Henry Rollins Helped Me Become the Coolest Girl in School, written by Kelly Dwyer.
Also included is a clipping from the San Pedro High School Newspaper, Fore N Aft, on miscellaneous Black Flag matters, written by David Shay.
This zine is a companion piece to the book, A Wailing of A Town "An Oral History of Early San Pedro Punk and More" 1977-1985.
We played at lunchtime on the front steps of San Pedro High. I don’t know how it sounded out front, but it was a good enough time. I remember people throwing food and Dukowski picking it up to eat later. People threw money too. I ran all over the steps between songs picking up the coins. I don’t think anyone was into it besides us and the three people or so who knew who we were.
— Henry Rollins, Get In the Van
The surprise band was a real surprise to everyone. Black Flag, a well-known punk group drew a large crowd during lunchtime. This was one of the most heavily attended events of the week. "They were playing for the wrong crowd," commented Owen Thomas. "This was my first taste of real punk music — and my last," added Spence Stafford.
Black and Gold, Volume 73 / 1982
I was 16 when Black Flag played San Pedro High School. It changed my life forever. I remember it being scary. I’ve still never seen someone’s PA get pulled and still finish on pure throat and adrenaline, the way Henry did that day. A lot of people thought they were bullshit. All I know is five guys set-up and plugged-in that day and the town’s been talking about it ever since.
— Vince Giobbe
Product Details
Genre: Music / Cultural History
OG Publication date: April 15, 2017
Publisher: END FWY Press
Edition & Language: Fourth Edition, English
Format: Chapbook
Pages: 24
Product dimensions: 6 x 6 in