THE RISE AND THE FALL #11 / Dec 2007 → zine


December 2007


Aaron White talked me into this two-color cover that turned out great – thanks Aaron. Justin Pearson from the Locust answers some questions via e-mail. Joel Morales from Dios Malos deals with interviewer Jed Schipper without totally losing his cool. The Spits for dummies thingamajig. Thee Halbadal spends an afternoon with Thee Makeout Party. More haps on the Channel Street skatepark. Ian from Japanther sent me a two-page graffiti spread, you’ll see. “New Bands in Town” include The Bible Children, No Ma’am and Destroy L.A. Pedro Bob gives his take on “gentrification” in Pedro. Tito has his review of the Brite Spot Mexican restaurant and dealings with Vinnie Vegas. A cool photo spread by Shanty Cheryl documenting some Pedro gigs. A comic by Scott Aicher called “True Tales of an Eight Grade Aicher.” A rare comic panel by Victor Gastelum titled “Police Navidad.” A Robert Russo centerfold. Poems by Hank, plus more reviews than you could shake a stick at.

Jed Schipper (RIP)

Product Details

Genre: Music/Skateboarding/Community
Publication date: December 2007
Publisher: The Rise and the Fall of the Harbor Area
Cover: Art by Aaron White
Format: Zine
Printing: Digital
Copies: 1,500
Pages: 56
Product dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 in



  • ISSUE #11 - $10.00
  • Discounted Worn Copy Options w/ Stickers (see pic)
