THE RISE AND THE FALL #14 / Oct 2009 → zine
$10.00 On Sale
October 2009
Number 14 has a bit of a uniqueness going for it that we can’t give away just yet. Oh fuck it – the entire issue is hand drawn, okay? That means there were no photos used by us, at least. Artist Michael Sieben did the cover, how cool is that! 14 starts off with a piece Halbadal calls “Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants,” in which he interrogates the four main San Pedro Skatepark Association accomplices about past, present and future skate gibberish, mostly about the Channel Street skatepark. Artist Victor Gastelum jives with Brooklyn, New York’s own Japanther on subjects from 9/11 and Katrina to juicing and warrior training. Shanty Cheryl gives us the skinny on the Bay Area duet, The Street Eaters. Todd Congelliere has a short talk with Aaron Cometbus on some Pinhead Gunpowder thangs. Vince Giobbe shovels Mexican food with Epic Debauchery. New band in town spiels by Cheryl and Coco featuring Bombón, The Couches, Last Day Off, Stoned at Heart and That’s Incredible. John Ransom gives his take on various “John Wayne” breakfasts and the Gaffey Street Diner. More tantalizing poems by Charles Bukowski. A Wire influenced Scott Aicher comic. Lots of art provided by Aaron White, Elvis Segarich, Halbadal, Victor Gastelum, Joel Morales and Craig Ibarra, among others, plus tons of more goodies.
Product Details
Genre: Music/Skateboarding/Community
Publication date: October 2009
Publisher: The Rise and the Fall of the Harbor Area
Cover: Art by Michael Sieben
Format: Zine
Printing: Digital (Offset Cover)
Copies: 1,200
Pages: 40
Product dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 in
- ISSUE #14 - $10.00