THE RISE AND THE FALL #09 / Jan-Apr 2007 → zine
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January-April 2007
This one includes an awesome piece on artist Shawn Kerri, a really influential artist to me and we also used her art for the cover of this one. Christian Moreno has breakfast with Keith Morris and grilles him with tons of questions, old and new. A short interview with Chuck from Bullet Treatment. Bradley Williams interviews Shakey Bones. El Beardo’s “State Of The Skate.” A “Pedro Art Damage” feature on artist Chet Zar. New bands in town include Epic Debauchery, The Grimes and Sleepover. Pedro Bob gives us the skinny on Royal Palms. A Cool Scott Aicher comic titled “Chicks at Work.” Four-page collage of Shanty Cheryl’s live shots from various Pedro gigs. Tito reviews two different Pronto’s Restaurants in town. Two small memorials for Gabby Mantini and Mike Webber. Vinnie Vegas reviews five zines for ya. Some righteous Bukowski poems, lots of reviews in this one and tons of Shawn Kerri art, which even includes a flip book of her (Circle Jerks) skank guy … well, sort of.
Product Details
Genre: Music/Skateboarding/Community
Publication date: April 2007
Publisher: The Rise and the Fall of the Harbor Area
Cover: Art by Shawn Kerri
Format: Zine
Printing: Offset
Copies: 1,500
Pages: 56
Product dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5 in
- ISSUE #9 - $10.00
- Discounted Worn Copies Option w/ Stickers (see pic) Sold Out